© California Polytechnic State University
Synchronization of photon, charge and molecule flows
molecules for optimized conversion of sunlight
into fuels and chemicals
photo(electro)catalysis, solar fuels, bioinspired and hybrid systems

SYNFLUX-LUMICALS aims to develop innovative strategies for more efficient harvesting and utilization of light in solar fuel production devices. It is based on a nature-inspired approach to better understand, control, and synchronize spatial and temporal aspects ranging from photon absorption to charge generation, transport, and utilization through hybrid interfaces. It builds on advances in photovoltaics and multi-electronic redox catalysis to promote the emergence and scale-up of photocatalytic and photoelectrocatalytic devices composed exclusively of abundant elements, particularly molecular dyes. SYNFLUX-LUMICALS is structured in three parts, supported by a wide range of state-of-the-art characterization techniques.
Scientific expectations
Managers : F. Odobel, V. De Waele
Design and synthesis of dyes with tailored electronic properties, assembly on different platforms to maximize panchromatic absorption, and study of photochemical reactivity to optimize charge separation.
Managers : Z. Halime, N. Schneider
Implementation of innovative surface engineering techniques for heterogenization of catalysts on these platforms and for more efficient use of photogenerated charges (optimization of charge transfer, introduction of specific charge storage sites, exploration of new media for more efficient and selective CO2 reduction catalysis).
Managers : M. Prévot, M. Chavarot-Kerlidou
Integrate the best-performing platforms into optimized photocatalytic and photoelectrocatalytic systems that meet the activity, selectivity, and stability requirements to produce a demonstration device that exceeds the state of the art.

SYNFLUX-LUMICALS project publications
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