Governance of PEPR LUMA
Governance bodies
A multi-level governance structure has been established to ensure the most efficient decision-making, management, implementation, reporting, and control processes.
This committee is composed of a high-level representative from the CEA and the CNRS and a representative from each of the six partner universities (Aix-Marseille University, Sorbonne University, Strasbourg University, Claude Bernard University Lyon 1, University of Bordeaux, and University of Lille), it is responsible for the strategic direction and validation of the programme’s guidelines.
Appointed by the CEA and CNRS co-pilots, they coordinate the program.
This committee is composed of two programme co-directors, two programme managers, and a communication officer. It is responsible for monitoring programme execution, coordinating, and reporting to the COPIL, the ANR, and the Scientific Council.
This committee consists of the programme co-directors and the coordinators of the targeted research and infrastructure projects and is responsible for the implementation of the programme.
This committee is composed of internationally recognized scientists on light-matter interactions, all of whom are external to the programme. They are consulted on scientific and technical issues, innovation, and international positioning.
The Management Committee team of PEPR LUMA

Governance organization chart