Context & objectives
The LUMA Priority Research Programme and Equipments (PEPR) is one of the winners of the second wave of the PEPR exploratory call for proposal. Funded by France 2030, it aims to structure French research around the development of light-matter interactions. With a budget of €40.38 million, it intends to address interdisciplinary scientific challenges at the service of society, with projects funded for at least five years.
The French government has entrusted the CEA and the CNRS with the scientific management of this PEPR, operated by the ANR.
The PEPR is led in close collaboration with the national public research community.
To operate this program and to guarantee the neutrality, quality, and transparency of its work, a multi-level governance structure has been defined:
- A Steering Committee (COPIL) is responsible for strategic guidance and validation of the programme’s orientations;
- A Management Committee (CODIR), composed of the two co-directors of the programme, is in charge of monitoring the implementation of the programme, coordination, and reporting to the COPIL and the ANR;
- An Executive Committee (COMEX), composed of the co-directors of the programme and the coordinators of each targeted action, in charge of managing the programme;
- A Scientific Council (CS), composed of experts with recognized skills in the field of PEPR and socio-economic actors, will be consulted on scientific, technical, and technology transfer issues.
In 2023, the first two targeted projects have already been launched. The others are currently being selected through a call for expressions of interest and will be identified shortly.
PEPR LUMA Missions
LIGHT, omnipresent in our natural and technological environment, is the central focus of the LUMA program. LUMA aims to exploit the unique properties of light to study and control various systems at the interfaces between physics, chemistry, engineering, life sciences, health, heritage, and environmental sciences. To effectively create the conditions for cross-disciplinary synergies and cross-fertilization as a driver for new science, the program focuses on Interdisciplinary Scientific Challenges that bring together the above-mentioned disciplines and communities:
- Smart Photoscience
- Photons for Green
- Light for Protection
As a European and international leader in the field of “light-matter interactions” (with two recent Nobel Prizes in 2016 and 2018), France must maintain and consolidate its leadership, both academically and industrially. The CNRS and the CEA, leading organizations in these fields, will act as copilots of the program and, in partnership with several universities, will use the resources requested to structure and channel the efforts of the scientific community around selected high-impact topics in order to develop and strengthen national research infrastructures at the highest international standards. This goal will be achieved through targeted research initiatives (moonshot projects) and the creation of a national infrastructure network. An open call for projects will complement the scheme to develop thematic, modeling-simulation, or joint research activities around instrument development.
PEPR LUMA‘s thematic axes

PEPR LUMA‘s institutional partners